Snap off blades are extremely useful as they are versatile enough for use across a variety of trades. It’s easy to see why they’ve proven to be so popular over the years and Knife-Point supply them in abundance. As industry-leading providers of knives and blades to customers in Sheffield and beyond; they form one of this company’s cornerstone products.
Knife-Point have put together a little guide surrounding why snap off blades are well worth your investment. Reasonably priced and available in a wide variety of sizes; there’s no better place to get yours than from them:
Extremely Versatile
One of the strongest points of snap off blades is that they can be used by tradesman working across a variety of different industries. Graphic arts, crafts, packaging, flooring and roofing are just some of the many fields of work that these tools are used within; so you can be sure that you’ll be purchasing a knife that’s up to the standards you require.
Variety of Size
Knife-Point stock these blades in a whole variety of sizes. 9mm, 18mm and 25mm are just some of the blade lengths that you can access through them; giving you the freedom of choice you need when it comes to choosing a products that you know will enable you to carry out the quality of work that you require.
Great for Saving Money
One of the most attractive features of these blades in comparison with competitive tools is that you can save money thanks to the fact that these particular types of knives are long-lasting. With sections that literally ‘snap off’ when you require them to; it’s like you’re using a new blade over and over again.
As sections can be broken off as and when they become unusable, the need to look for new tools and frequently change your blades is removed. This is a real positive, as it can save you time and allow you to focus your concentration on the task in hand. When you need to, just snap off the used section to reveal a brand new cutting edge.
Snap Off Blades Top Quality from Knife-Point
All of Knife-Point’s snap off blades are impressively sharp; guaranteeing that the work that you carry out with them will be of excellent quality. With blades manufactured from hardened and tempered carbon steel, the versions of this tool that they supply are absolutely uncompromising in the quality that they deliver.
Planer Blades and Swann Morton Knives
It may be that you need more than just snap off blades. If this is the case, Knife-Point can definitely help with their impressive supply of knives. Planer blades – as well as Swann Morton and Stanley knife blades – are just some of the many more examples of tools that you are able to purchase from them. If you’re interested in finding out more, you can give them a call on 07737133030; or drop them an email to