Tag Archives: google analytics

How to Add Users to your Google Analytics Account

If you want someone else to be able to view or use your Analytics account then you should carry out the steps below:

1. Log in to your analytics account at google.com/analytics

2. Go to your account dashboard or the dashboard for the domain you want to share access to

3. Click on “Admin” at the top right of the screen (see below)








4. On the next screen, click on “Users” (see below)














5. On the next screen, click on “+New User” (see below)










6. Insert an email address (or choose from one you have used previously) and assign them as either a user or administrator, then press “Create User” (see below).


















The added user can now use view your analytics reports

We increase visitors to your website. Here’s the proof!


Here at Seven Creative we believe in doing a good job for our customers.

One of the things we don’t tend to shout about, however, is our search engine optimisation activity. When we build a site, it wouldn’t really be fair for us to not build in search engine optimisation features, as once you have at least a basic understanding of optimising websites for organic listing, it’s quite quick to do.

We really enjoy seeing website suddenly rocket in the search engine rankings after we’ve had a bit of a tinker with it. And seeing a rise in website visitors is equally satisfying, as we know then that we’re really having a positive effect on our customers businesses.

After monitoring the analytics results for some of our recent jobs, and being very happy with the results, we felt it was only right to share these success stories. So here are some of the recent site visitor increases for the websites we’ve been working on:


Seven Creative Blog – Recent increase in visitors 36.64%

Clean Sheet Computing – Visitors up by 2,200% (Two thousand, two hundred)log – Recent increase in visitors 36.64%

Dunston Lodge boarding kennels, Chesterfield – Visitors up by 264.38%

Westgate Cottage, Isle of Wight – Visitors up by 17.65%

W E G Thomas – Visitors up by 64.71%

GWB Landscaping, Aylesbury – Visitors up by 89.19%

Moscar Kennels, Sheffield – Visitors up by 35.07%

Northshot Photography – Visitors up by 75.66%

PCT Healthcare – Visitors up by 23.12%

Seven Creative (our main website) – Visitors up by 22.22%

HCDL – Visitors up by 33.90%

So there you have it! Proof that we can increase visitors to your website.