A new, budget-friendly, user account monitoring service for businesses

Effective User account monitoring & tracking is vital within businesses, but is it something you’re currently able to do? Introducing Usrs.io, a new, budget-friendly user account monitoring solution

As a small business owner or IT manager with fewer than 200 employees, it can be difficult to keep track of all the user accounts that exist within software used by the company.

This can often lead to security problems as the company lacks vital information on what software people have access to and what level of access they have – for example, with software such as Hubspot, Zendesk, Jira, and Google.
There aren’t currently many existing solutions to this problem. There are, of course, enterprise-grade solutions that do exist, but nothing tailor-made for small businesses with smaller budget.

Usrs.io is a new service filling the gap and providing useful features like alerts and digest reports.
Usrs.io is free for up to 5 monitored accounts or try the free 14-day trial.